We are looking for your land


Leasing of Land for PV Projects


Upgrading low-yield land. Fixed income for 30-40 years.

Complete planning and execution by us. Trusted partnership - No risk for you.

Your contribution to the energy turnaround. Ecological: Only 0.5-1% of the land is sealed.

Is your land suitable for the leasing and construction of a solar farm?


Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems can be installed on almost any surface. The electricity generated from a photovoltaic system can be traded either on the Electricity Exchange (Spot Market) or via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

Eligible areas:

  • Areas with a size of at least 1 hectare
  • Green areas or arable land, so far as usable for solar plants
  • Conversion areas, such as landfills, former open-cast mining areas, decommissioned military bases, demolition sites, and residential use areas
  • Sealed, formerly industrially used areas
  • Designated, unused commercial areas


If your own space is not quite enough, check with the owner of the neighboring property.

The process in 6 steps:

Step 1: The landowner inquires by phone or e-mail.
Step 2: EEPro makes the network request.
Step 3: EEPro presents the construction project to the responsible municipality.
Step 4: The lease agreement is signed.
Step 5: An application is made for the necessary permits.
Step 6: Building is permitted and the PV system is realized.

Download Info-Flyer

Contact us, offer us your space.


    [md-text label="Your Name"]

    [md-text label="Company"]

    [md-text label="Your Phone"]

    [md-text label="Your Email"]

    [md-text label="Size of the area"]

    [md-textarea label="Your message"]



    * = mandatory

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    EEPro GmbH
    Paul-Dessau-Str. 1
    22761 Hamburg
    E-Mail: info@eepro.energy
    Tel.: +49 40-350 15 000