From the first cut of the spade to the turnkey plant
Premium quality from experienced professionals
The end of planning heralds the construction phase. EEPro draws up a precise logistics and workflow plan for each construction phase. When awarding contracts for construction work, we make sure to involve local companies and workers in order to strengthen the regional economy.
Due to our global experience, we can guarantee you reliable subcontractors. In addition, operating delays can be avoided by consistent quality assurance of the project managers, so that, in the end, the proper acceptance of all works can take place.
Finally, we take care of the procurement of all components required for the project, whereby the wishes and requirements of the customer are naturally taken into account.
The subsequent commissioning of the plant is carried out by EEPro's technical team and qualified project partners. EEPro thus takes over all necessary steps, from the planning phase to the turnkey commissioning of the solar park.
EEPro represents the highest quality in plant construction.